Friday, October 24, 2008

Slope sunshade Concrete getting completed

Slope sunshade concrete remaining at Ground Floor level and First Floor are completed.Plastering top of these slope sunshades also done in time to enable specialised clay tile laying workers from Trichur staying at site to complete tile laying on slope roofs and slope sunshades.Picture shows First Floor slope sunshade at North side

Design Plastering for outside Arch

Our Design plastering team has started work on design Plastering of outside Balcony Arch to make it look almost as elegant as wood panelled Arch coming between Living and dining.Picture shows work in progress

Tile laying on slope roof

Workers from Kapindia Tiles,Trichur has come and started laying clay tiles on slope roof.Picture shows tiles being laid

Friday, October 17, 2008

Rest of slope sunshades

Work is getting completed for balance portion of slope sunshades.Concreting will be done on 20/10 for Ground Floor and First Floor balance portion of slope sunshades.Picture shows work in progress for Ground Floor slope sunshade

View from outside stair

Picture shows view from outside stair landing as of today.Clay tile laying for floor , Clay tile laying for slope roof,painting and other finishing works are pending.

We have obtained approval from Corporation of Cochin for compliance of construction as per approved Plan and as per Kerala Building rules as applicable as on date.Corporation has issued Completion of work and occupancy certificate for the building.We have already processed application for numbering of the building and tax assessment for the building from Corporation of Cochin

Hand rail for outside stair to roof top

Hand rail posts of cast iron and handrails of GI pipe fabricated and fiited for outside stair going upto roof top.Picture shows outside stair before painting and finishing

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Wall tiles in First Floor toilets

Picture shows wall tiles laid on walls of first Floor toilets before pointing and finishing

with vertical border and motif with picture in green and yellow colours

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Design work for Mukhappu

Design plastering work done for three Mukhappu on top of slope roofs.Picture shows work in progress.Final picture can be seen after removal of supports for moulds and after appropriate painting,normally with white colour

Tile laying-toilet floors and walls

Picture shows servant toilet tile laid on floor and walls before pointing and finishing. Picture showing blue base wall tile ,glass border with etched painting border and White top layer wall tiles are for Ground Floor toilets near bed rooms

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Tile laying on Toilet walls

Tile laying on toilet walls is nearing completion for Common toilet in Ground Floor,First Floor rear toilet and Servant toilet.Picture shows wall tile laid before pointing edges and finishing